A wise– if perhaps slightly pedantic– generator of metaphor.
Give me paragraph(s) containing sentence(s) each; wrap them in <p> tags.
Huh? Numbers please. Above 0.
Get paragraphs by sending an AJAX request to
limit: 20 paragraphs / 50 sentences
Or just grab a few sentences by hitting
Add a URL parameter p=true to get each paragraph in <p> tags
Using OS X or Linux? Try this in the command line:
curl http://metaphorpsum.com/sentences/3
And here’s a nifty bash script that copies metaphorpsum straight to your clipboard
function meta() { curl http://metaphorpsum.com/sentences/$@ | pbcopy ;}
usage: meta 5
Using Alfred? There's a workflow for that.
Built and maintained by Kyle Stetz. Get the source code on GitHub.